Summer workshops do seem to have taken an 'English Country Garden' theme as we've continue to partner with Junction Arts to grow their digital rose garden for the This Girl Codes programme!
This latest tinkering forms part of plans with another project looking to share air quality data from community projects.
Previous STEAM activities blending digital making with papercraft have been a great introduction to data visualisation possibilities, so we thought we'd explore with these latest data streams.
We've been working with Leeds University to develop resources for upcoming community projects, and supporting an understanding of the science behind air quality has been one of our priorities.
A couple of examples below of questions we wanted to add into the activities with resources to stimulate more conversations and consider changes:
- What are the variables that will affect the quality of air at any one time?
- How quickly can changes happen and what can the range of readings be like over a period of time?
- Can (and how can) changes in behaviour impact on the quality of local air?
Changes in the LEDs added to this project are subtle and act as a comparison to other digital making activities using the first Envirosense board.
Look out for new workshops and project building challenges as we launch more #SenseAndSenseAirBility activities.