Increasing participation of girls in STEM

When The Ada Show performed at Leeds Central Library on 14.11.17, 75 KS3 students from 5 of the city's schools were invited and inspired by the actions and innovations of Ada Lovelace in the nineteenth century.

The morning session gave an opportunity to lead an 'Internet of Curious Things' workshop with a group of students from the Co-op Academy in Leeds.

They took the connection of wearables and lights from Ada Lovelace's dress to consider twenty first century applications of a more connected world and the internet of things. Read about their experiences on the day below:

Blogpost from Coop academy in leeds about visit to Ada Show with student workshop

The group explore more about the first complex algorithms and got to grips with the engineering behind the Analytical Engine, through a practical activity using string and brain processing!

Ada Lovelace demonstrating Analytical Engine with audience and string