Delivering Digital Opportunities
Unique access to the latest cutting edge technologies with vast educational experience allows the Foundation to deliver life-changing digital opportunities to everyone.
Learn more about what underpins our unique approach:

People can't resist getting involved at our workshops and events
Putting the wow in workshops-
Dazzling Data
Dazzling Data equips people of all ages with the skills to make better use of data. It'll show data isn't dull and key to informed decision making.
Education Programmes
Inspiring young people to develop knowledge and skills to become successful as innovators in a world of rapidly changing technology.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Helping industry to supercharge digital inclusion and inspire more people to consider themselves in a future STEM pathway.
Environmental Sensing
Empowering individuals, groups and communities to improve air quality and generate lasting and sustainable environmental change.
This Girl Codes
Capturing the imagination and creativity of primary and secondary aged students through a STEAM approach with This Girl Codes.
Thought Leadership and Research
Sharing practice, research and insights across industrial and education STEM communities.
Community Learning
The Internet of Curious Things: Empowering adults and children to build a better connected world and creatively solve real world problems.
Feedback on our programmes and activities
Ashfield Primary School, Otley
A huge thank you for coming in today - the kids absolutely loved it and the Headteacher caught me after school to say that children had gone up to her in the playground after school to enthuse over what they had done today!
You were a fantastic female role model within school today, showing how engineering and computing isn't just a male occupation, and have definitely stirred some thoughts in the year 6 girls who I spoke to afterwards.
New Bolsover Primary School, Derbyshire
The project exceeded my expectations with children engaged throughout the day despite work that was clearly challenging for them. It was knowledgeably run and organised with a clear plan which was broken down into easily manageable steps. The group experienced an enjoyable day outside of the classroom environment which stimulated imagination. Some girls now have a greater interest during computing and have used some reasoning skills back in the classroom.
Pupil voice from workshops
- I never knew STEM could be such fun! Year 8
- Being able to code and make things to take away was brilliant. Year 6
- Seeing real uses for computer science has made me think of taking the subject for my options. Year 8
- Had a brilliant day working with other schools. Year 6
CAS Manchester Regional Co-ordinator at Manchester University
The girls were so excited to be able to see practical and engaging outcomes from the projects they created. 100% of the feedback from the pupils and their teachers was extremely positive with the pupils going back to their schools with plans to share their learning with the rest of their class.
Of course none of this would be possible without the opportunities provided by the enthusiastic workshop leaders and positive role models – thank you!
St Mark’s CofE Primary, Salford
As a school who are committed to developing a STEM approach to learning and have found our connection to the Foundation for Digital Creativity invaluable. Our recent afternoon of workshops proved hugely enjoyable. The children were fully engaged in Claire’s wonderful delivery of the ‘Goblet of Fire’ sessions and with the possibilities it gave to investigate environmental issues and monitoring. The session was perfectly planned, resourced, differentiated and delivered.I look forward to working further with The Foundation in the very near future.
Carr Manor Community School, Leeds
Year 5 spent the morning programming environmental sensors on Codebugs to make a humidity detector. They were set the challenge to invent a new sport technology that would immediately sense the humidity and activate a light based on the reading. This would alert athletes that a break was required and allow them to take in fluids to ensure maximum performance.
Year 5's had a great time exploring how the Internet of Things can connect athletes and make a difference. Some of the Year 5's displayed such great work and ideas that they stayed on as mentors for a Year 6 who were visiting in the afternoon!